The Lord says: "Stop your planning and come closer to me, for my plans for you are greater than you can imagine: Plans for health and not for illness, plans for peace and not for war, plans for happiness and not for sorrow, plans for joy and not for misery, plans for love and not for hate, plans for prosperity and not for poverty, plans for home and not for homelessness.
These plans for you are for your own good, they will provide for your own benefit. There is nothing you need to do except hear My Voice and follow My Teaching, for all these things are already yours, all you have to do is allow yourself to receive them.
But instead, you refuse. You place your thoughts above mine, you place your goals over my goals for you; you place work over life, working over living and a job over your happiness.
I have placed the world at your feet, but you have stepped on it, walked on it and over it and walked on by, ignoring it, thinking you could do better on your own.
Your life is not your own, it belongs to me, for I have given you breath. I have seen the suffering of your heart, the pain of your soul, and I have come to heal it. The Last Days are present, the First Days are begun. Open your heart to me and believe, for my hopes for you are more than your hopes, my dreams for you are greater than your dreams and my plans for you are greater than your plans. Your imagination cannot come close to my imagination and the reality I propose for you is greater than any you could conceive.
I have given you love, if you will receive it. I have given you peace, if you will perceive it. I have given you abundance, if you will accept it. I have given you wealth, if you will welcome it. I have given you My Son, if you will believe on Him. Open your heart to receive, open your mind to perceive, open yourself to Me. The time has come, the day is here, the time is now.
I am your Father and I love you."